Congratulations to Kris Bond & her horse Rain - for winning their very 1st place at a show. They've worked hard for it!
Shannon Ryan has left the barn due to the rising costs of fuel. I'm working on getting a replacement in but I am figuring that this will take some time to accomplish. The barn has been much quieter since she left last week!!
School is coming to a close on Tuesday - so Summer is officially here! Which we knew of course, not due to the temperatures, but due to the increasing BUG count of mosquitos and deer flies... YUCK!
My horses are extremely pampered, and are inside during the hottest parts of the day with their FANS now i turn them out all night if its cool enough, and for a few hours in the early morning. If its warm and muggy the mosquitos are terrible and they just want right back inside anyway!
Gus and I are having a fairly successful show season. A few classes that didn't go as planned, but overall, we are having a good year.
Kara has graduated to a "green" belt in karate - so she continues to learn. She was wishy washy about continuing, but then changed her mind, and actually has been really "participating" in class - though in the last month - she has been the only one in the class - so its been a string of "private" lessons.... lucky us!
Bo will be leaving for his Dad's after school is complete, and besides the occasional weekend, will not be home until the middle of August.
I had an interview this week for a really neat job at the Wisc Wildlife Federation. I'm hoping for positive results and will know more sometime next week.