Ok - wow - so it's been like over SIX months since I've posted here.... BUT I've been very busy riding and riding and riding, and taking care of life stuff!!!
So, Gus & I went to our very FIRST reining competition the end of April - and did quite well for our first time - even though he was a bit of a crazy loon and very very naughty - but we managed to get a score in 3 out of 4 of our classes and even place 2nd in the green rider class!!! So - keep thinking positive right!
This weekend (memorial day weekend) - we competed at our first Ranch Horse Show - and did very well - going into the western riding class for the 1st time - and receiving a 1st place under one judge - and going into the ranch reining and reining classes - and having decent go's - with even ending up with a 1st under one judge!!! WOW........ it was ALOT of fun! Gus & I tabulated enough points on Saturday to win the weekend Amateur All-Around Buckle (very cool!).... Other members of the barn that went and showed did very well too!! Lena & Dennie won the Open All-Around Buckle for the weekend, and Megan & Jake placed 2nd in the ranch reining for their very first time together too. Sarah & Jack placed very high and won a couple of their classes - and it was her first time with him - he was riding awesome - great job Sarah!!!
Congrats everyone!!!
The next ranch horse show is July 11 at Dodge County....
I have decided that we are not ready to take on the World Show this year.... I would like to go down to TN and seriously have GREAT rides, and the intention of winning the all-around title. Gus & I are just not consistent enough in our manuevers to warrant the expense of going this year - especially as the world show is in only 3 weeks - and we just got done with only our 2nd competition with the reining.
Next show will be June 27 & 28 with the Midwest Cow Horse & Reining Association at Deerfield WI.
I will hopefully have some new pictures to post too!!!