Most that know me, realize, that I have a border line obsession with horses and competion....... Most believe that this started in the early days, and that I've been riding horses my whole life..... well, not true...
I've been envious of many of the young kids that I have taught, starting with formal lessons and getting their horses, as I was around 12 yrs old before I got a pony.... competitive drive was installed much before ever getting a horse.....
My dad has always hunted, mostly perferring bowhunting. This was a natural progression for him for the sport of archery and competitions. From before I can remember, we went to archery shoots year round, indoor tourneys and outside shoots. My dad would travel hours to go to competitions. I dont remember my exact age, but I began shooting also. Of course I'm young (and weak), so my bow is at a very low draw weight, and I remember on some of the outdoor targets, pulling back and aiming at the sky, and hoping my arrow would land somewhere in the right county, much less the target... My dad traveled with other "guys", and they (not too brag) but were in the top of the sport in Wisconsin...
In 1984, we traveled to the Nationals Bowhunter Tournament. This was an outdoor shooting range, with targets ranging from 10 yards to 80 yards, various animals and some were moving targets.... I won my division at nationals, and that is one trophy that I still have....I was 14 at the time.
It was not long after that, our family became more involved with horses and competion - but the same rules apply as that in archery - take your time, line up your sights, hold your breath, and hope to hit the bullseye.
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