So, I haul Gus over to Jessica Cole to meet with Dean J - farrier to investigate his cracks in his heels of his front feet. Dean J is an awesome farrier - whom I used for 4 years when I lived at the barn on Military Rd. I haven't used him since (almost 7 years) as we moved and Dean J became the resident farrier at UW Madison Vet Hospital. Jessica Cole has been fortunate to be one of the few barns that Dean J still does "house" calls to.
Dean had wonderful things to say about Roman Miller, our current farrier, and stated that he was doing an excellent job with Gus's shoeing and feet conditions.
A little background on Gus, is that he has had contracted heels for about 2 years. When Roman came to our barn a year and 1/2 ago, he suggested going with a Natural Balance shoe. In about 6 months we saw marked improvement on Gus and his contracted heels. This last year, I have been battling re-curring Thrush in Gus's front feet. This is a common problem with a horse with contracted heels, as there is a deep crevice for the bacteria to thrive. Its seems once the Thrush goes away, it comes back in about 3-4 weeks and we go thru it all over again.
This past July, Gus was having some right sided issues, mostly evident at the lope. When Roman came out mid-August - Gus was unlevel on his right foot - it was lower than the left. Roman put a very small wedge pad under his shoe to balance him back out. In time, the hoof should catch up and we can take it off. That did solve his problem and Gus was back riding like a million bucks. The wedge also seemed to be improving some of the contraction in that heel, and after another re-set we saw some positive growth. The decision was made to leave the Natural Balance shoes on for the winter.
In the last couple of months, Gus has had small cracks or "fissures" running up from this frog area into his heel. These have gradually gotten bigger and more of a "concern" to me. This is what prompted me to haul to Dean J - and get that all important "Dr's second opinion".....Sigh..... I'm happy to report that this is "cosmetic", and is a result of the on-going battle with Thrush. Dean J states that the cracks is where the infection "broke", and that there is positive live tissue and it will go away in time.
So the most important thing that I learned yesterday is in regard to treating Gus's chronic thrush is to basically throw away the "over-the-counter" thrush medicines. Dean J states that most are too caustic and drying - causing additonal problems (aka cracked heels)...and to buy some plain ole iodine at the drug store....His remedy for Gus is to soak small cotton balls in iodine, and pack them in the crevice areas of Gus's hooves. Sure sounds simple to me....can't wait to try it! And lesson here is "if its not broke, dont fix it".....
I also got to see Charisma work yesterday. I'm very happy to report that after being there for only a little over a week, she is very content and quiet, and is learning to learn.... can't ask for more than that!